links that made me angry

So I read this month’s The Atlantic magazine and there was this long article about Jim Bopp who believes the problem with money in politics is that there’s not enough. Somehow it’s even more frustrating that the guy seems to honestly think that unlimited contributions from anonymous sources is a good thing for democracy. And, post-Citizens United, he’s totally winning! (other depressing articles in the issue: gerrymandering and voter suppression. Whee.)

Then I read this article about how the very rich feel “victimized” by Obama. A few of the people quoted compare Obama to an abusive spouse or, say, Hitler. My favorite sentence:

In 2010, the private-equity billionaire Stephen Schwarzman, of the Blackstone Group, compared the President’s as yet unsuccessful effort to eliminate some of the preferential tax treatment his sector receives to Hitler’s invasion of Poland.

And then, on a totally unrelated topic, this morning I read this article about sexism at software conferences, which for some reason is a kinda pervasive problem that really really shouldn’t be happening.

And then I sighed and was sad for the rest of the day. The End.

3 thoughts on “links that made me angry”

  1. 😦 Today a person was arguing that if the market was totally free, companies would *not* endanger customers in favor of the bottom line…


      1. I know, right? How could the customers *possibly* have chosen to continue buying that brand of lard? Oh, wait…


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